After exploring different ways of storing my notes, I’ve developed a system inspired by a plentiful of productive gurus.

I call it CUP and it stands for CabinetUnfold and Play.


The Cabinet is a spin on the Cabinet of Curiosities and this is where I store most of my notes. The Cabinet is more than just storage - it’s a curated collection of knowledge, ideas, and inspiration. Like the historical cabinets of curiosities, it’s where we keep our most interesting findings. This could include book notes, research, interesting articles, concepts, or any piece of information worth preserving.
Ole Worm -\_images/10/eb/3a29835466b65ed294e2f9353c95.jpg Gallery: Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31): CC-BY-4.0


Unfold captures life as it happens. By keeping daily notes, meeting logs, and journal entries here, we create a chronological story of our days. Through backlinks, these daily captures stay connected to our broader work, making it easy to trace how ideas and projects develop over time.


By choosing “Play” over “Projects,” we create a space that invites creativity and experimentation. This section houses our active work and responsibilities, but approaches them with a lighter, more engaging mindset. Whether it’s writing, coding, or planning, framing it as play helps maintain curiosity and reduces the pressure we often associate with traditional project management.

Like the name suggests, CUP is a container - but one that’s designed to grow and evolve with our needs and interests.